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inFer GW4 network "Fertility: In Vitro, In Silico, In Clinico"

12th - 18th February 2024

Put on your thinking caps, show some team spirit, and win financial prizes!

We invite students and researchers at all levels and from any organisation or country to participate. Participants will work in teams of two to five, to analyse real-world data related to key challenges in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The challenges will be released in on 12th February, 10:00am. Participants will have until the 18th of February midnight to submit their solutions.


Prizes will be awarded to the first three winning teams:

1st place - 500 GBP, 2nd place - 300 GBP, 3rd place - 200 GBP


The winners will be revealed at the 2nd networking event of the inFer network, which will be hosted by the University of Bristol on the 22nd of February 2024 (hybrid event). You can register for the event here.


Select a challenge below to vist the challenge page and access the data:

Please work on and submit a solution for ONLY ONE of the following challenges


Data challenge #1

Data challenge #2

Data challenge #3

Data challenge #4

Terms and Conditions

  1. Code of Conduct:

    1. Participants are expected to adhere to a high standard of ethical behavior, respecting the rights and dignity of others.

    2. Inappropriate behaviour, including harassment or discrimination, will not be tolerated.

  2. Team Formation:

    1. Participants are encouraged to form diverse teams, fostering collaboration and different perspectives.

    2. Teams can be formed before or during the hackathon.

  3. By submitting an entry, the entrants confirm that none of their team have previously worked on the data from this Hackathon if it is central to their submission.

  4. Ownership of Intellectual Property (IP):

    1. Participants own the intellectual property rights to the solutions, projects, or creations they develop during the Hackathon.

    2. Any pre-existing IP brought into the Hackathon remains the property of the respective owners.

  5. License to Organizers:

    1. By participating in the Hackathon, participants grant inFer a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, and publicly display their work for the sole purpose of promoting and showcasing the Hackathon, including but not limited to marketing materials, websites, and social media.

  6. No Transfer of Ownership:

    1. Participation in the Hackathon does not transfer ownership of participants' IP rights to inFer.

    2. Participants retain full control over their creations and are free to pursue further development outside the scope of the Hackathon.

  7. Further development:

    1. Any resulting publications/ projects/ media/ output that uses the data and/or code from any participants and/or data donors will include participants as contributors to the output.

  8. Project Submission:

    1. All projects must be submitted by the specified deadline.

    2. All projects should be hosted on Github.

    3. Submissions should include a clear and concise description of max. 2000 words, along with any necessary documentation or instructions.

  9. Judging Criteria:

    1. Projects will be evaluated based on creativity, technical innovation, functionality, and potential real-world impact. The criteria for the judging will involve a consideration of a ‘SMART’ approach according to the following criteria:

    2. Specific Fit (S):

      • Does the solution align with the specific challenge of the Hackathon?

      • Is it clear from the entry that the team has successfully addressed the challenge?

    3. Measurability (M):

      • Does the digital solution allow for a measurable outcome?

      • Does the entry meet the expectations set for the project?

    4. Achievability (A):

      • Is the digital solution sensible and practical?

      • Was the solution successfully implemented within the allocated time frame, opportunity, and available resources?

    5. Relevance (R):

      • Does the digital solution have scientific merit within the IVF remit?

      • Is the solution relevant to the overall theme of the Hackathon?

      • Does the digital solution have the desired real-world impact?

    6. Timebound (T):

      • Has the team adequately addressed the topic within the allocated time?

    7. Judges' decisions are final.

  10. Example project

    1. A prize-winning entry to a previous NERC Hackathon can be seen here. A team wishing to win would do well to take note of the structure of the solution and the provided narrative.

  11. Collaboration and Mentorship:

    1. Participants are encouraged to collaborate with fellow participants and seek guidance from mentors when needed.

  12. Respect for Resources:

    1. Unauthorized use of resources or any activity that disrupts the Hackathon environment is strictly prohibited.


By participating in the Hackathon, participants agree to abide by the rules and terms outlined here. These rules are designed to create a collaborative and respectful environment that fosters innovation and creativity.

Submit your solution

Teams can have two to five members. We encourage teams to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach.


The participants should include a narrative explaining their problem-solving methodology, and outcomes reached. Submissions should include a clear and concise description of max. 2000 words, along with any necessary documentation or instructions. You would also need to provide a paragraph that could be advertised and be understandable to the general public, up to 200 words.


We require that participants create a GitHub repository where their final solution can be uploaded, together with a ‘README’ mark-up page outlining the specific challenge aims and objectives, the methods followed, and the solution produced. In addition to source code, we encourage outputs that highlight the solution in action e.g. videos and animations. You can join GitHub with an individual account and collectively create and join a ‘team’ but note that if you have your own repository that is fine as long as it is made publicly available.

An excellent winning entry in a different Hackathon can be found here


All entries i.e. code repositories, must clearly state the team name, the challenge, and the solution name (e.g. ‘TeamName_ChallengeName_SolutionTitle’). Please use this naming convention to aid management of and access to the materials. All source code produced must be made open access.


To submit your solution, please complete the form below.

By clicking 'Submit', I hereby confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions outlined for this Hackathon on behalf of myself and all team members. I understand that failure to adhere to these terms may result in disqualification from the competition.


Dr Thomas Woolley (InFer Network Lead)


Dr Katerina Kaouri (InFer Network Lead)


Abhishek Chakraborty (InFer Research Officer)

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

We look forward to your participation!

Submission field
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