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Data Challenge #1


The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) is a UK regulatory body overseeing fertility treatments and research involving human embryos and gametes. They collect and manage comprehensive data from licensed fertility clinics, covering treatments like IVF, ICSI, donor insemination, and more. The data includes statistics on treatment cycles, success rates, funding sources, and patient demographics. The HFEA is committed to transparency and provides a dashboard for users to explore and analyse the data, ensuring confidentiality while promoting informed decision-making in the field of assisted reproduction.


The original description and links to the dataset can be found here:


Here are some ideas for Hackathon projects:


  1. Predictive Analytics for Treatment Success:

    • Build a machine learning model to predict the success rates of different fertility treatments based on historical data. Users could input their specific parameters, and the model would provide predictions on the likelihood of success.

  2. Geospatial Analysis of Fertility Clinics:

    • Create a geospatial visualization of fertility clinics in the UK using the provided data. This could include maps that highlight areas with high or low utilization of fertility treatments and help identify geographical patterns.

  3. Temporal Trends in Fertility Treatment:

    • Analyse and visualize temporal trends in fertility treatment data. Identify changes in treatment types, success rates, and other factors over the years. This could provide insights into evolving preferences and advancements in fertility treatments.

  4. Reciprocal IVF and Shared Motherhood Analysis:

    • Since the HFEA is planning to add data on reciprocal IVF (shared motherhood) in the future, create a prototype dashboard or tool that explores this specific aspect. Visualize trends and statistics related to reciprocal IVF procedures.

  5. Data Validation Tool:

    • Develop a tool that aids in the validation of fertility treatment data. Clinics and researchers could use this tool to ensure the accuracy of their submissions to the HFEA database, thus improving the overall quality of the dataset.

  6. Patient Decision Support System:

    • Build an interactive decision support system for individuals or couples exploring fertility treatments. The system could provide personalized recommendations based on their characteristics, preferences, and historical treatment success rates.

  7. Comparative Analysis of NHS vs. Private Funding:

    • Analyse and visualize the differences in treatment outcomes between NHS-funded and privately funded fertility treatments. This could provide insights into the impact of funding sources on success rates and treatment options.

  8. Egg Freezing Trends and Analysis:

    • Explore and visualize trends in egg freezing and thawing. Analyse factors such as age, reasons for egg freezing, and success rates. This could be valuable for individuals considering fertility preservation.

  9. Surrogacy Data Exploration:

    • Although limited, explore and visualize data on surrogacy treatments included in the IVF and ICSI dashboard page. Provide insights into the prevalence and success rates of surrogacy treatments.

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